Paris Shooting/London Rampage and all other Muslim attacks do not create the phenomenon of Stockholm Syndrome but Prophet Muhammad Syndrome: “ I HAVE BEEN MADE VICTORIOUS WITH TERROR”

Adolf Hitler who won Man Of The Year in 1938 declared: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
To this infamous declaration we can add: “When you create an evil ideology make it so diabolically evil that people will not believe that such evil can exist and will come to accept the ideology as mainstream and normal”. Islam Is Evil In The Name of God™.
Hitler’s 1000 year Reich lasted only 12 years and conquered 25 countries murdering 20,946,000.
Communism lasted 73 years, conquered 25 counties and murdered 94 million people
Both Communism and Nazism have been destroyed for all eternity.
What Muhammad did that made him the greatest historical figure far greater then either Hitler or Stalin – man of the millennium – was that he created a god of his own imagination, called Allah, and founded a religion of war called Islam, based on the Quran, a supposed holy book of the divine words of his imaginary Allah growing over 1400 years from a mere handful of 100 followers into a powerhouse conquering 57 countries and 1.6 billion followers while murdering 270,000,000 kafirs. (Some estimate this figure to be much higher. The Hindus killed in India by Muslims from AD 636 to AD 1768 themselves are estimated to be around 590 million i.e. 590,000,000.)The Western world is now suffering from a debilitating psychos termed prophet Muhammad Phobia given rise to prophet Muhammad Syndrome.
Islamophobia is a term utilized by Muslims and their supporters to smear all those kafirs as racist bigots who are opposing the implementation by Muslims of prophet Muhammad Phobia. The prime directive of prophet Muhammad Phobia is the utilization of terror to intimidate thru fear kafir populations leading to their conquest thru a process of Jihad osmosis – the step by step imposition of Sharia Law, with its subjugation of kafir societies.
The prime directive of prophet Muhammad Phobia is the rule of terror. The whole point and purpose of terror is terror. Terrorize one to terrorize entire societies and with our modern communications – on a world wide scale.
Bukhari (52:220) – Allah’s Apostle said… ‘I have been made victorious with terror’
Never has there been a truer statement.
The cry “Allahu Akbar” – Arabic for Allah is greater (than your God) strikes sheer terror into the heart of the kafir leading to panicked horrified kafirs rushing to the exits yelling and screaming in fear and sheer terror.
Terror was supported by Muhammad who created numerous Quranic terror verses thru his alter ego Allah AKA Muhammad.
Quran (3:151) – “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority”.
Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
All these words were from the brain and mouth of Muhammad AKA Allah granting the phony cover of religious, divine sanction from God to justify mass murder. Allah AKA Muhammad – the terror god of the universe. What makes Islam so disgustingly evil and ALL Muslim men so disgustingly evil is that they utilize God as an accomplice in all their crimes.
Given that Muslim countries can no longer wage Jihad of conquest invading Western countries with military force, they have now turned to the Jihad of terror starting with the 911 attacks which for $200,000 US started the great conquest of the US and the West. Make no mistakes the 911 attacks were the greatest victory in Islam’s history.
In just 13 years, this seventh century barbarism has become main stream – a cornerstone of Western Civilization. 2014 was the year when the totality of prophet Muhammad’s evil cumulated in the rapid Islamization and conquest of the West. The evil of Islam has been accepted as good and moral while those fighting this evil are the evil ones. Child molestation, rape, sex slavery, beheading, terror, torture, mass murder have been embraced by Western intellectual, media, religious and political elites. The Islamic barbarism that is being committed by ISIS and Boko Haram are now daily occurrences in Western society.
All major Western leaders and political parties have adopted the banner of Islam. President Obama:
#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” #2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer” #3 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.” #4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”
Hilary Clinton;
This, she said, includes “leaving no one on the sidelines, showing respect even for one’s enemies, trying to understand and insofar as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view.”
Read more at And
Andrea Merkel
“We won’t allow ourselves to be divided by those who use the terrorist attacks to place Muslims under blanket suspicion,” Merkel said. “Every marginalization of Muslims in Germany, every blanket judgment, is unacceptable.”
President Hollande “Muslims are the first victims of fanaticism, fundamentalism and intolerance,” Mr. Hollande said. “We must repeat everywhere…that Islam is compatible with democracy and we must reject sweeping generalizations and confusion.”
All these leaders and their respective populations are now suffering from the dreaded psychos of prophet Muhammad Syndrome desperately trying to appease the Jihad terror strategy instituted by Muhammad 1400 years ago. Jihad Terrorism is one of the 5 pillars of Islam.
Stockholm Syndrome relates to a bank robbery in Stockholm Sweden on August 23rd to 28th 1973 in which the hostages came to identify with their captors and vice versa. Most experts, agree that Stockholm Syndrome has three central characteristics:
The hostages have negative feelings about the police or the authorities. The hostages have positive feelings toward their captor(s). The captors develop positive feelings toward the hostages The hostage takers show some kindness toward the hostages or at least refrain from harming them.
Unlike Stockholm Syndrome, prophet Muhammad Syndrome a consequence of prophet Muhammad Phobia, enslaves entire populations and their leaders in which whole populations are held captive with real terror. In prophet Muhammad Syndrome, the kafir bows down in abject submission to his Muslim tormentors begging forgiveness for their non integration into society. These poor pathetic kafirs heap praise on their Muslim oppressors, that Islam is a true religion of peace, infinite love, compassion, nobility and tolerance. They do not feel any negative feelings to police but expect the police to protect them from their fellow kafirs who refuse to submit to the Muslim conquerors but stand like the rock of Gibraltar for freedom blowing this rock of freedom to smithereens’ and dragging these patriots into Shara courts to destroy them.
In prophet Muhammad Syndrome, the Muslim captor conquerors feel absolutely no kindness toward their kafir conquered but take their women as sex slaves to be raped, and murder all those who refuse to convert and steal their property as booty. The entire country enslaved by prophet Muhammad Syndrome belongs to the Muslims who deliver the ultimatum submit or perish. No mercy.
Beheading is the only cure for prophet Muhammad Syndrome.
Jake Neuman: An Unknown Kafir but not yet a dhimmi of Islam. For Jake Neuman books go to: