Lose of Innocence
Surrender In Our Time
Stretching from Inuvik in the North West
Territories (Yes there is a mosque here) to Vancouver in the West to Toronto in the South, to St Johns
Newfoundland in the East – An Islamic Curtain Has Descended Upon Canada. Behind this curtain one of the world’s greatest democracies that has created the greatest Constitution based on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that embodies the totality of Canadian freedoms, rights and equality is been rapidly destroyed thru a process of Islamization. For Canadians, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the embodiment of what it means to be Canadian.
Canadians Will Soon Learn What Side Their Bread is Buttered On – That Muslims Own the Bread And They Are Doing The Buttering
“He did this because he wanted to reach paradise and assure paradise for his family. He wanted to be a martyr,” said the friend who asked not to be named.
Bukhari: V4852N220 “Allah’s Apostle (Prophet Muhammad) said, “I have been made victorious with terror”
Quran 3:151 "Soon shall We cast terror into the Hearts of the Unbelievers"

There is an axiom that if you foil 1,000 terrorist attacks but fail on the 1,001 then the terrorists have won and we have all lost. Canada failed on the 3rd and 4th attacks.
Canada in the space of 2 days has suffered 2 attacks by Muslim men that murdered 2 soldiers and caused panic and terror throughout the Capital
City – Ottawa. Although there have been a number of terror attacks that were foiled by Canadian police and threats against the life of the Prime Minister and Parliament, the authorities created the fantasy that Islam is a religion of peace.
April 22, 2013: Canadian intelligence services arrest two men allegedly trained by al-Qaeda operatives in Iran and charge them with plotting to derail a New York City-bound passenger train in the greater Toronto area.
June 2, 2006: Authorities arrest 18 people who were allegedly inspired by al-Qaeda for plotting a widespread terror act in the nation's capital. The plot, planned by the so-called "Toronto 18," involved storming the Parliament building, taking over a national TV broadcasting station, seizing dozens of hostages and beheading the prime minister
Martin Rouleau who committed the first attack on October 20th adopted the Facebook handle “Ahmad Rouleau,” or the Twitter name “Abu Ibrahim AlCanadi,” or created his account on Ummaland, the Muslim social media site, wearing the face covering of a jihadi bearing his copy of the Qur’an like a trophy. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/10/20/martin_rouleau_died_like_he_wanted_to.html
“It was a terrorist attack and Martin died like he wanted to. That’s what happened,” one close friend, who asked not to be named, told the Star.
“Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,” Sydney Morning Herald, October 23, 2014: For video of attack; http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29724907
The Prime Minister Steven Harper stated “This week’s events are a grim reminder that Canada is not immune to the types of terrorist attacks we have seen elsewhere around the world,” Harper said in his address to the nation. “We are also reminded that attacks on our security personnel and our institutions of governance are by their very nature attacks on our country, on our values, on our society, on us Canadians as a free and democratic people who embrace human dignity for all. But let there be no misunderstanding. We will not be intimidated. Canada will never be intimidated.”http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/23/ottawa-shooting-will-not-intimidate-canadaprime-minister-declares
Muslims Claim Victimhood
The RCMP said Tuesday it had been working with Martin Rouleau to help him overcome his extremist thinking. “ police met repeatedly with Mr. Rouleau, his family and the imam at the mosque he attended, trying to talk him down from his newfound obsession with Islamist extremism. “We wanted to avoid his turning to violence,” the superintendent said.http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/10/21/he-seemed-like-a-typical-and-fairly-boring-convert-inside-martin-rouleaus-rapid-decent-to-extremism/
The president of the Al-Imane mosque where Mr. Couture-Rouleau worshipped says “We’re overwhelmed. We just want to live and let live, and we feel like we’re being punished for something that has nothing to do with this,” Mr. Bekkari said.
The National Post joins in: Its Been A Tough Week For Canadian Moslems http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/10/24/is-islam-inherently-violent-quest-for-power-not-religion-motivating-jihadists-author-says/
The Ottawa police sent a surrender proclamation to Muslims stating that they were ready to defend the mosques unlike their complete failure to defend the Parliament and Ottawa. (Just received email message from @OttawaPolice Chief Charles Bordeleau #ottshooting#OttawaShooting)
If these attacks had been carried out by Christians or Jews - Hindus or Buddhists - we could declare that these individuals were evil and not following the teachings of their religions.
The reality is: the Quran and Islam are massive hate crimes. Islam preaches hatred of Christians, Jews and all other kafirs (Jews are apes and pigs, Quran 2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166), and urges Muslims to unleash violent Jihad to exterminate them if they refuse to submit to the supremacy of Islam.
Whoever has a basic reading of the Quran and Muhammad's prophetic tradition would know, like the two terrorists themselves, that they were obeying exactly the teachings of the Quran and the example of Prophet Muhammad.
When Martin Rouleau's friend said, “He (Rouleau) did this because he wanted to reach paradise and assure paradise for his family. He wanted to be a martyr”, Martin was simply obeying the teaching of Quran 9:111:
“Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden (Paradise) will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain”.
Meaning of verse 9:111 need no explaining. A Muslim who kills infidels or get killed in trying to fulfill the teachings of verses 9:5, 9:29 and others, exhorting murder, rape, terror, and torture are guaranteed accession to Allah's paradise, a celestial whorehouse filled with full-breasted, lustrous-eyed eternal virgins for sexual enjoyment of the blessed entrants for all eternity. About the sensual attractions of Allah's whorehouse, the Quran says:
"As for the righteous (Muslims)... We (Allah) shall wed them to beautiful virgins with lustrous eyes." [Q 44:51-54]
“The righteous (Muslims) they shall triumph... Theirs shall be voluptuous women" [Q 78:31-33]
Each blessed martyr of Islam are promised 72 such virgins for perpetual sexual enjoyment. One may find more about Islamic paradise in the Qur'an: Surat 37:40-48, 44:51-55, 52:17-20, 55:56-58, 70-77, 56:7-40, and 78:31.
The most evilest and dangerous thing about Islam is that horrifying verses such as 9:111 and many others of the Quran that calls for murder, slaughter, rape and terrorization of non-Muslims and deviants are believed to be exact words of God Almighty Allah, and every Muslim is commanded to acts upon every commands and teachings of every verses of the Quran.
To Muslims, who are committed to the teachings of the Quran and prophetic tradition, those two brave Muslim individuals' heroic terrorist attacks were nothing but holy martyrdom operations as urged in verses like 9:111, 9:5, 9:29, 2:193 and 47:4 etc. for killing the lowest of the low infidels, and their death in the process would qualify them as Allah's anointed Jihadi martyrs, who would get instant accession to Islam's brothelish Paradise for ceaseless sexual orgy with 72 virgins.
Undoubtedly Muslim associations and mosques in Canada will rush to condemn those two killers, terming such acts of terrorism as un-Islamic, but NOT ONE will condemn the terrorism-inspiring teachings of the Quranic verses 9:111, 9:29, 9:5, 47:4, 5:33, 8:12 and others. For Islam Is Hate go to: http://www.godofmoralperfection.net/new-page-21.htm