On Bastille Day, a Tunisian Muslim drove a transport truck 3 miles thru a street in Nice France filled with revelers massacring 84 including 10 children with 202 injured, 80 critically including 50 children.
Without hesitation CNN blamed this horrendous murderous act on the French people stating:
“While the identity of the Nice attacker is unknown, experts say the previous terror attacks have been by terrorists from disenfranchised communities.
"You have a very large disaffected North African community. They are French citizens now ... but they've been excluded from French society," Robert Baer, a former CIA operative, told CNN's Don Lemon.
"I went to school in France ... I worked there and they are really totally excluded," Baer added.
"And it keeps getting worse since attacks in Paris because they are using profiling and they are stopping people who look like Arabs on trains and buses, checking their IDs which we don't even do in this country. The French have been very aggressive ... radicalization of people of North African origin is actually picking up rather than lessening."
Tom Fuentes, a former FBI assistant director who served on the executive board of Interpol, said …."These immigrant populations stay in confined neighborhoods and only assimilate with each other and aren't accepted into the general population."
Fuentes said the radicalization of "homegrown people" is becoming an issue in the United States as well following the attacks in San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida.
I want you to understand what these so called experts are experting:
I feel marginalized in a democratic society and therefore I use a transport truck mow down hundreds of people including women, children and babies smashing their bodies into a bloody pulp, disconnecting their heads, arms, legs, guts, spewing them over a 3 mile blood strewn street. I cripple for the rest of their lives hundreds of wounded both mentally and psychically.
Feeling discriminated against I turn to the religion of Islam – the true religion of peace and love and after studying God’s word I self radicalize not into a loving, peaceful person but a killing machine committing unspeakable acts of mass murder that are Anti God.
These experts advise us against profiling potential Muslim mass-murderers. Better to surrender - submit to Islam, convert to Islam, turns our societies and way of life as par the wishes of those Muslims, replace your constitution with Sharia Law. Thus we will have a well-assimilated society with Muslims, and there will be peace.
It’s just a matter of time before these poor, marginalized, self radicalized Muslims smuggle a nuclear weapon or biological weapon in the back of a transport truck and blow up Paris or London or Washington killing millions.
The reality is that Islam and Muslims can never be integrated into Western society thanks to their exclusivist religious and cultural ethos. They do not believe in the idea of an all-inclusive humanity. Their religious teachings demands all of humanity to submit to Islam’s supremacist religious, social and cultural norms or face the sword. Islamic teachings are opposite to what we understand by humanity.
Prophet Muhammad founded the religion of Islam in the 7th century in Arabia as a declaration of war against all of humanity, on the global scale. The followers of Islam have continued that war ever since the birth of Islam in one form or another. In the post-colonial world, Muslims have been gradually intensifying that war in ferocity and expanse. We are approaching a Third World War like situation, waged by an increasingly radicalized and destructive Muslim ummah, whose reach is poised cover every nook and corner of the world. In the West, while Muslims bring this war to the doorstep of every household with greater ferocity – our politicians, intellectuals, academics and media elites preach “Islam in Peace” mantra, hold interfaith meeting with the so-called moderate Muslims. Such efforts over the past one-and-half have proven thoroughly inconsequential, indeed counter-productive, as the apparently moderate Muslim world turns increasingly radical and bent on destroying non-Muslim peoples and cultures.
What is of urgent necessity, for the sake of saving humanity, is for our leaders to call out Islam for what it fundamentally is. Islam is an epitome of evil. It demands all of humanity to submit to it or face the sword of Jihad. The Quran calls upon every Muslim to wage unceasing war against non-Muslims.
In thousands of verses of the Quran and Muhammad’s declarations (hadiths), Islam’s declaration of war against every non-Muslims in loud and clear. Our leaders and intellectual and media elites urgently need to tell citizenry, tell the world, this evil fact about Islam, and must declare it loud and clear. Instead, if our leaders continue singing the atrocious lie that “Islam is a religion of peace”, it will amount to treason. We have seen for too long how our leaders have been singing the same chorus again and again, while the so-called moderate and peaceful Muslims turn into lethal enemies of us, of every non-Muslim wherever they may be. And every day they inflict death and destructions upon us, non-Muslims, with greater ferocity and destructiveness. NOT ISLAMISM. NOT SELF RADICALIZED MUSLIMS BUT ISLAM AND ALL MUSLIMS.
What we in the West face is the stark reality that:
ALL POLITICANS: President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Democratic Party, Elites of Republican Party, Chancellor Merkel, President Holland, Former British Prime Minister David Cameron, new British Prime Minister Theresa May, MEDIA, RELIGIOUS, leaders who hold inter faith meetings with Muslims, INTELLECTUAL ELITES, TEACHERS (who teach Islam. How can you pollute young minds with this evil? How can you teach young girls an ideology where they are not human beings equal to men but their property?) AND ALL OTHERS WHO SUPPORT ISLAM ARE GUILTY OF TREASON
The shahada (Declaration of Faith) – “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah” which all Muslims must recite to become a Muslim is a Declaration of Treason. Islam is the very essence of treason. Jihad and Sharia Law are Treason seeking the overthrow of the democratic state, the destruction of its elected institutions and constitution, and their replacement with the totalitarianism of Islam and Sharia Law. ALL Muslims are guilty of Treason.
The Shahada is not only a Declaration of Treason but of pure evil. What makes ALL Muslim men evil is that they take God and turn him into a monster. The Quran is not a holy book but a book of pure evil. There is nothing holy about Islam. It is all pure evil.
When you belong to an evil ideology you are as evil as that ideology whether you personally commit acts of evil in the name of the ideology or not. Indeed you are as evil if not more eviler then the people committing these horrendous acts of evil. THEY ALSO SERVE WHO ONLY STAND AND WATCH.
Muhammad was no prophet but a criminal. Read the Crimes of Muhammad listed at http://godofmoralperfection.com/new-page-61.htm
How can anyone believe that this criminal met Angel Gabriel and received the Quranic verses? Only evil people could believe that this child molester/rapist/killer was a prophet.
Quoting: “Molested his wife - six-year-old Baby Aisha. One of Baby Aisha’s wifely duties was to clean semen stains from the prophet’s clothes. Muhammad was an animal who would take a bath with Baby Aisha and thigh with Baby Aisha fondling her 6 year old vagina and taking his penis and rubbing it up and down this poor child’s 6 year old thighs until he ejaculated onto her 6 year old leg. Being a man of mercy he did not penetrate Baby Aisha until she was nine, ramming his penis into her vagina ripping Baby Aisha’s insides apart. He sexually molested and raped her for another 9 years. Advocated sex with baby girls by creating Quran 65:4.”
Muhammad is the epitome of evil.
Every word of the Quran was dictated by God to Angel Gabriel to be retransmitted to Muhammad. This means that God said:
5:33 “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution (by beheading), or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;”
8:12 “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”
47:4 “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”
These verses clearly order Muslims to commit horrific murder, torture and violence upon non-Muslims. God commands Muslims to carry out “execution (by beheading), or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides”, “strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, smite... their necks and smite all their finger-tips off”, “strike off their heads”, make “wide slaughter among them”. And they being the almighty God's commands, a devout Muslim must act upon those commands. These are commands to inflict horrendous pain and suffering leading to a horrible death and revile in their suffering. .
The reason why these Muslim killers are killers is not from marginalization
but because as good, moral, pious Muslims they are obeying the teachings of God and murdering kafirs to conquer the world for Allah: murder all non Muslims and destroy all other religions. These terror attacks are not a cry for freedom but a war cry for destruction and enslavement of the French and all other kafirs.
By these attacks Muslims:
Verse 8:60
“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of God
The whole purpose of terror is to terrorize the kafir into submission. The whole purpose of these attacks in France is not to be equal to the French kafir but to destroy them.
In Muhammad's words: "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them..." (Bukhari 8:387)
In fighting this very great evil as an editor, political commentator, politician, teacher, religious leader, intellectual, a free citizen living in a democratic society under a democratic constitution with a democratically elected government you have a responsibility to understand Islam. If you refuse to fight this evil, then you become part of the evil – encased in the evil and in many respects just as evil if not more evil then the followers of Allah (the AntiGod) and his messenger Muhammad. Ignorance is not an option and definitely no excuse. The blood of all Muslim attacks will be on your hands. Islam is the mortal enemy of freedom, the USA and humanity. You will be guilty of treason
Reiterating this fundamental truth: The underlying cause of the Jihad carnage in Paris/California/.Brussels/Orlando/Nice and others is not Self-Radicalization or anything like this as our elites keep repeating. It is the fulfilling by Muslims of the teachings of the Quran, Sunna and Islamic Sharia Law – all of which demand the destruction of the non-Muslim way of life and its replacement with the Islamic order. Muslims carrying out terrorist attacks are simply trying to be good Muslims by following what Quran and Muhammad's tradition teaches them to do. You will see that they are just exercising their right to freely practice Islam and its core demands. This is what ALL our elites are promoting: our Destruction, the destruction of our children and the destruction of humanity. THIS IS TREASON ON A GRAND SCALE.
We all face a choice between Freedom and Democracy or the Tyranny of a PSYCHOTIC Monster of History: MUHAMMAD AKA ALLAH.