1100 Plus Reasons Islam is Fraudulent
The news media was awash with the discovery of what could be the oldest Quran dating back to the time of Muhammad. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-33436021
CNN commentators literally had to put on their drapers to contain their watery glee at this great discovery. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/07/23/opinions/quran-manuscript-analysis/index.html
Robert Spencer a world renowned expert of Islam was not to be fooled. http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/oldest-quran-fragments-in-the-world-discovered-in-the-uk-maybe-maybe-not

Neither are we to be fooled.
It was as if by finding this document, Islam and Muhammad had suddenly been vindicated that it was truly the truth that Angel Gabriel had indeed appeared to Muhammad transmitting the Quranic verses as the divine word of God.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Even if every word of this Quran matched perfectly to the present day Quran, even if the age of the paper and ink dated directly to Muhammad, we can state without equivocation that Angel Gabriel never appeared to Muhammad and not one word of this very evil book is from God. EVERY word was fabricated by Muhammad. EVERY word of the Quran was from the brain and mouth of Muhammad. Allah was fabricated by Muhammad to give religious cover to his criminal enterprise - Islam.
Following is a just small sample – 1100 reasons why the Quran is not the word of God and Muhammad was no prophet of God. For 1000 pages of further Quranic immoral verses and Hadiths download for free KILLING PROPHET MUHAMMAD at godofmoralperfection.com
1100 Plus Reasons Islam is Fraudulent
For Islam to be The Truth since every word of the Quran is from God then every word must be Moral Perfection, every Hadith must be Moral Perfection and to be the divine constitution of God then every teaching of Sharia Law must be Moral Perfection. Following are 1100 Quranic verses and Sharia Law teachings which are not Moral perfection. All these verses and teachings are immoral. Anyone who believes that God created these verses/teachings is evil.
Muslim men have the divine right to Jihad – the Islamic holy war to conquer all kafir nations and force them to submit to Islam. There are 164 Quranic teachings of Jihad. (Quran 29.6, 29.53, 22.52………)http://islamreform.net/new-page-121.htm
Muslim men have the divine right to marry and have sex with to pre-Pubescent children, which is not deemed to be abhorrent rape of minors or pedophilia (65:4)
Muslim men have the divine right to polygamy (4.3)
Muslim men have the divine right to gang rape infidel women (24:13)
Muslim men have the divine right to sex slavery (4:3, 4:24, 4:25, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:29-35, 70:22-30)
Muslim men have the divine right to torturing non-Muslims (8:12)
Muslim men have the divine right to whipping fornicators (24.2)
Muslim men have right to amputation and crucifixion (5:33)
Muslim men have the divine right to beheading (47:4)
Muslim men have the divine right to wife-beating (4:34)
Muslim men have the divine right to holding women inferior (2.228, 4.11, 4.176)
Muslim men have the divine right to using women as sex objects (2.223)
Muslim men have the divine right to committing mass murder, massacre and genocide of kafirs (2:191, 9:5, 4:47, 8.67, 7.4, 8.17,9:123 )
Muslim men have the divine right to terrorizing kafirs (8.60, 3.151)
Muslim men have the divine right to accession to a immoral paradise for killing kafirs or getting killed while trying to kill kafirs (9.111):34 verses of immoral Paradise (2:25,3:15,4.57,37:40-48,37:40,38:52,44:51-55,44:54,47:15, 52:21, 52:17-20, 55:46, 55:56-57, 55:57-58, 55:62, 55:70-77, 55:71, 55:72, 56:13, 56:17, 56:22, 56:33, 56: 35-36, 56:34-37, 56:80, 56:13, 76:19, 76:50, 77:41, 78:31 – 32, 78: 33-34, 83:22, 85:11, 88:80
Muslim men have the divine right to theft and robbery (8:1, 8:41, 33:27,21:44, 48:19, … (Entire Chapter 8 called “Spoils of War ”)
Muslim men have the divine right to forcing all other religions to submission to Islam (2.103, 2.286, 3.19, 48.16)
Muslim men have the divine right to hate 691 verses of hate (2:17-18, 2:39, 4:56, 22.19-22, ……) http://islamreform.net/new-page-23.htm
Muslim men have the divine right to 91 Quranic teachings that obeying Muhammad is obeying God
Muslim men have the divine right to slavery (2.178, 16:75, 24:31, 33:50, 39:29, 70:29-35)
Muslim men have the divine right to extortion (9:29)
Most of all, Muslims are divinely obligated by their God to establish the Quranic law aka Sharia Law as the complete code or sole source of law for running the world. In other words, allowing religious freedom to Muslims is to obligate America to accede to Muslims’ demands for replacing the American Constitution with totalitarian Sharia law.
Following is a small sample of immoral teachings of Sharia Law:
Main Sources
Reliance of the Traveller (Umdat al-Saliq) translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller. These laws are indicated with alphanumeric.
Sharia the Islamic Law by Abdur
I. Doi.
The Hedaya (commentary on the Islamic Laws) translated by Charles Hamilton.
Marriage and sex
The husband’s permission is required for a wife to work (Doi, p.117).
Beating a wife is allowed (Doi, p.130).
The wife must worship the husband. Unbridled freedom of modern women is not good (Doi, p.132).
Muslim women can’t marry unbelievers under any circumstances (Doi, p.138).
The guardian of a woman must be a male. A woman cannot be married by herself. A widow can marry by herself (Doi, p.141).
Hanafi, Shafii and Maliki rate the marriage of a minor boy or a girl as lawful (Doi, p.142).
A Muslim man is allowed to have four wives at one time (Hedaya, p.31; Doi, p.147).
Adoption is not allowed in Sharia (Doi, p.463).
Circumcision is obligatory for both men and women (foreskin for men, prepuce of clitoris for women) (e4.3, p.59).
Human private parts are impure; do not touch them with your hands (e7.4, p.74).
Stoning to death for adultery (married person, man or woman) (o12.2, p.610).
Fornication: scourge 100 stripes and banish 81 km for 1 year (for unmarried persons) (o12.2, p.610).
Men scourged standing, women sitting (o12.5, p.611).
Stone the adulterer/adulteress even in severe cold or illness (o12.6, p.611).
Sodomy and lesbianism considered as adultery; same punishment; kill both for sodomy (p17.2, p.665).
To get united with the previous husband a divorced wife must marry another person, have complete sex with him and get divorced by him voluntarily (Hedaya, p.15, n7.7, p.565; p29.1, p.673).
When making love, no talking (r32.7, p.767).
Unlawful for a man to look at a woman who is not his wife or one of his unmarriageable kin (m2.3, p.512).
Husband and wife cannot look at each others genitals’ (m2.4 p.513).
Unlawful for a woman to show any parts of her body to an adolescent boy or a non-Muslim woman (m2.7, p.513).
Whatever is unlawful to look is also unlawful to touch (m2.9, p.513).
A woman must not conduct her own marriage; she requires a male guardian (m3.4, p.518).
A non-Muslim man cannot be the guardian of a Muslim woman; a Muslim man cannot be the guardian of a non-Muslim woman (m3.4, p.519).
A male guardian of a virgin woman may force her to marry a man of his choice (m3.13, p.522).
Arab women cannot marry non-Arab men (because Allah has chosen the Arabs above others) (m4.2(1), p.523).
A man of lowly profession cannot marry the daughter of higher profession (m4.2(3), p.524).
When the husband settles the dower (bride money) or defers it, a wife must immediately submit her private parts to her husband’s demand for sex, unless she has legitimate ground of not doing so; if she requests to wait the maximum waiting time is three days (m5.1, p.523).
A husband has the full right to enjoy his wife’s person, from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet (m5.4, p.526).
It is unlawful for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man (m6.7(5), p.529).
Husbands are not obliged to provide doctor’s fees, medicines and cosmetics to wives; they must provide only food, cloths and housing; rebellious wife doesn’t get anything (Hedaya, p.140; m11.4, p.544).
A Muslim man is allowed to beat his wife or wives (the Qur’an, 4:34 ; m10.12, p.541; o17.4, p.619).
If wife refuses sex, the husband is not obliged to support her until she surrenders her person to the husband (m11.9, p.545).
A divorced wife gets maintenance only for maximum three months (Hedaya, p.145, Shafii law, no support during her waiting period if pregnant, then support is on daily basis until she gives birth (m11.10 (3), p.546).
A son is obliged to finance his poor father’s marriage (m12.5, p.549).
Husband divorces wife instantly even under torture, compulsion, alcohol, narcotics and jokes; then he can marry a new set of four wives and continue the cycle (Hedaya, p.81, 253; n3.5, p.560).
The only way for a wife to get divorce is to convince the sharia court and also to pay money to her husband (Hedaya, p.112; n5.0, p.562; n7.7).
Using the bathroom
Visiting lavatory—cover head, cover feet, carry stones (odd number, minimum three), and say prayer (e9.1, p.76).
Entering toilet—left foot first; exiting toilet right foot first, offer prayer (e9.1, p.76).
After urinating men squeeze the penis with the left hand from base to head (of penis); women squeeze the front (vulva) between thumb and forefinger; in both cases three times (e9.1(11), p.76).
Do not defecate with front facing the sun, the moon or the sacred in Jerusalem , Kaba (e9.0(16), p.77).
When no water available do wudu, ghusl using dirt (e12.0, p.84).
Praying, eating and drinking?
Beat a child (10+) for not praying and fasting (f1.2, p.109).
Not praying is unbelief; penalty is execution (f1.3, p.109).
Pray wearing ankle length shirt and a turban (f5.7, p.122).
Use a tooth stick before every prayer/reciting the Qur’an (e3.2, p.57).
Drinking alcoholic drink—strike 40 stripes…o16.2
Muslims cannot eat meat slaughtered by Zoroastrians, apostates, idol worshippers, and the Christians of the desert Arab tribe (j17.2, p.364).
Apostasy and jihad
Making sarcasm is leaving Islam (o8.0, p.595).
Kill the apostates of Islam (o8.1, o8.2, p.596).
No indemnity required for killing an apostate (o8.4, p.596).
No expiation is required for killing an apostate of Islam (o5.4, p.593).
Jihad means to war against the non-Muslims (lesser jihad, based on 2:216, 4:89, 9:36 ) (o9.0; p.599).
Jihad is warfare to establish the religion of Islam (greater Jihad)…p.599
Basis for Jihad:
(1) fighting is prescribed (2:216).
(2) slay them wherever you find them (4:89).
(3) fight the idolatry utterly ( 9:36 ).
Hadith: I have been commanded to fight—Bukhari.
To go forth in the morning—Muslim
Jihad is a communal obligation (o9.1; p.600).
Jihad is obligatory for every Muslim who is able to perform it, male or female (o9.3, p.601).
Caliph makes war upon the Jews, the Christians, the Zoroastrians…..by first inviting them to enter Islam, if no success then pay jizya, if no jizya then kill them (o9.8, p.602).
Women and children captured in a jihad operation become the slaves of Muslims; the women’s previous marriage is immediately annulled (o9.13; p.604).
Arab idolater must become Muslims or die (o9.9, p.603).
In a jihad operation Muslims can kill old men (40+) and monks (o9.10, p.603).
Male captives’ fate is decided by the Caliph; this includes gratuitous killing of male captives (o9.14, p.604).
Truces are permitted but not obligatory. When uppermost—no truce until some interest is served---‘so do not be fainthearted and call for peace when it is you who are the uppermost’ (the Qur’an 47:35).
If weak then make truce for 10 years.
If possibility of making Muslim--then establish 4 months truce.
Spoils are for free male Muslims (o10.0, p.606).
Dhimmis are: 1. the Jews 2. the Christians 3. Zoroastrians 4. Samarians and Sabians 5. Adherents of religion of Abraham (o11.1, p.607).
- Not included in Dhimmi: idol worshippers, no sacred book, Sikhs, Bahai, Mormons, Qadianis. Books revealed after Islam are not acceptable (o11.2, p.607).
- The Dhimmis’ public behaviour and dress must be Islamic (o11.3, p.607
- Minimum jizya is one dinar (4.235g of gold) per year; maximum jizya—no limit; no woman, children or insane is to pay jizya (o11.4, p.p.608)/
- Dhimmis must comply with Islamic rules except drunkenness, can’t greet them with as-salamu alaikum, must keep to the side of the street, no high building, no wine display, no church bell, no new churches, not stay in Hijaz for more than 3 days (o11.6, p.608).
Women’s testimony in Business transactions is half of men’s (the Qur’an 2:282, Hedaya, p.637; o24.7, p.637).
- Women’s testimony is not accepted in Hudood cases (Hedaya, p.353; o24.9, p.638).
- Evidence of a female singer and slave (male or female) is not admissible (Hedaya, p.361).
- Music, song dance haram (r40.0, p.774).
- Slavery—allowed (w13.0, p.871).
- Masturbation, unlawful (Qur’an 23:5-7) (w37.0, p.932).
- Smoking unlawful (w41.1, p.940).
- insurance unlawful (w42.0, p.942).
- interest haram (w43.0, p.943).
- Citizenship in an Islamic country, severely restricted (o11.0, p.607).
- It is offensive to send Muslim children to day care centers run by non-Muslims (m13.3, p.552).
- Muslim women’s Blood-Money is half of Muslim men’s; Jews and Christians one-third; Zoroastrians one-fifteenth (only sons, not daughters can claim Blood-Money) (o4.9, p.590).
- Toothpaste is offensive; use a twig (from Arak tree, miswak) or tooth stick instead (e3.0, e3.1, p.53).
- Clip moustache, shaving beard is unlawful/offensive (e4.1(2), p.58).
- Visiting sick non-believers is merely permissible (g1.2, p.222).
According to the Hughes Dictionary of Islam, slaves had few civil or legal rights. For example:
a) Muslim men were allowed to have sex anytime with females slaves - Sura 4:3, 4:29, 33:49.
b) Slaves are as helpless before their masters as idols are before God - Sura 16:77
c) According to Islamic Tradition, people at the time of their capture were either to be killed, or enslaved. Shows you that they were at the bottom of the barrel to start with.
d) According to Islamic jurisprudence, slaves were merchandise. The sales of slaves was in accordance with the sale of animals.
e) Muhammad ordered that some slaves who were freed by their master be RE-ENSLAVED!
f) It is permissible under Islamic law to whip slaves.
g) According to Islam, a Muslim could not be put to death for murdering a slave. Ref. 2:178 and the Jalalayn confirm this.
h) According to Islam, the testimony of slaves is not admissible in court. Ibn Timiyya and Bukhari state this.
i) According to Islamic jurisprudence, slaves cannot choose their own marriage mate. - Ibn Hazm, vol. 6, part 9.
j) According to Islamic jurisprudence, slaves can be forced to marry who their masters want. - Malik ibn Anas, vol. 2, page 1
1) Islam allows Muslims to make slaves out of anyone who is captured during war.
2) Islam allows for the children of slaves to be raised as slaves
3) Like #1, Islam allows for Christians and Jews to be made into slaves if they are captured in war. After Muslim armies attacked and conquered Spain, they took thousands of slaves back to Damascus. The key prize was 1000 virgins as slaves. They were forced to go all the way back to Damascus.
4) Christians and Jews, who had made a treaty with the ruling Muslims could be made into slaves if they did not pay the "protection" tax. This paying for 'protection' was just like paying a Mafia racketeer! This allowed Muslim rulers to extort money from non-Muslim people.